October 15, 2011

List of what we have to be working on!!!!!! due: Wednesday (10/19/11)

Here is the list of what we have to be working on, for the Presentation on Friday (10/21/11):

-Diagram (scale: 1/8” = 1’-0”); PERLA

-Final Presentation Boards; PERLA

-Plan View & Elevations (scale: ½” = 1’-0”); NICOLE

-Section Details; NICOLE

-Materials Precedents; NICK

-Budget Graph.; NICK

-Tow Sections (scale: ½” = 1’-0”); ELLE

best regards, Nicole Pinot-Juan

1 comment:

  1. Have you all decided to present the ONE shed only?
    Good list of NEW drawings. But be sure to make the whole presentation include all the background that is useful, from the prior presentations.
    What happened to the two phase plan about moving the lattice shed?
    What's a "Tow" section?
    NICOLE -
    In the Building sections, show the floor construction and footings in the soil that hold the building up. The "how to build a shed" sections show this idea.
    ELLE - can you also do some sort of a collage of your very useful photos - not ALL of them - but enough to let us discuss the various points that will come up?
    NICK - maybe you could get with Pat to see how he presents a budget.
    PERLA - are you going to show us a typical format board to comment on, before you do all the "paste up" of the boards?
